As a Catholic, my experience of communion has never felt absent of Jesus. It makes sense to me that you would feel something missing in the ritual you experienced. I had an experience like that once and it solidified my belief in the True Presence of the Lord in the Eucharist.

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That’s wonderful Diana. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you for sharing this. I grew up in the church. I wanted to live in the church. I had a wonderful network of churches in Florida. Unfortunately after moving states, I had to leave churches all together because my special needs son (he was only 5 years old at the time) has been rejected and forced out by local churches here in my new state. I am praying that God will show me a church where my son will be accepted. I remember how Jesus said let the little children come to me.

My greatest desire is to serve the Lord with all my heart and see my whole house do also.

Praise God, my sons still love Jesus even after 2 churches forced us out. I am so grateful we can worship God together in our living room, but we long for biblical community. I want my kids to know Jesus isn't rejecting them. Yet I no longer feel welcome in the House of My Lord.

How can I explain this to my now 7 year old and 4 year old?

I feel so lost and heartbroken yet our faith and personal relationships with God remain strong praise God.

I want the world to know Jesus stands with arms wide open ready to welcome them home no matter what. So thank you for sharing this. I also feel Jesus has been kicked out of many church buildings. I believe we find Him sitting on the bus stop bench witnessing and loving the lost. I know that's where I have found him after being forced out of a building mistakenly called " the church".

But then again, I guess it's no surprise We were forced out because it seems Jesus was kicked out years ago.

I guess my kids and I will just be the church at the bus stop after all isn't that the point ?

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Oh Scarlet, you've had such a difficult experience. I'm sorry you and your children have not felt fully welcome as you are. There are no easy answers to this but I do want to say that I'm saying a prayer for you right now—that God would lead you to genuine community in your new home and that you would find belonging and not only acceptance but also support, friendship, and joy. Thank you for sharing some of your story here.

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Thank you so much for the prayers, hope and place to speak. My son was told by Doctors he might never speak or even walk so having a place to share a chapter of his story is very healing to my healing heart. God bless you. I praise Him for your work and for the miracles He's done in my son. He turned 8 this week and praise God he's continually making the doctors say "wow look at how much he's grown and overcome". I know my son is a living miracle and I praise God for that and all His goodness even in the middle of my mess.

I am standing in faith that my family and will find the community and support you mentioned. I say yes and amen standing in agreement with you. My prayers are with you and your work as well.

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I enjoyed reading this. I have been a Sunday School teacher and supply preacher for a long time. My mind started down the road of we “have a lot of things wrong in Christianity” at almost the same time I started in the church—thirty fiver years ago. I think you’re on to something with “Jesus maybe have left but he isn’t gone.” I tell people that I only have one sermon left in me and it’s “Love your neighbor as yourself.”. I’ve discovered that is enough for all of us to work on for the rest of your lives. Anyway, Ms. Booker, thanks for your insights.

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I love that Ray. Such a good sermon. Thank you for sharing. I hope to be faithful in doing my best to apply it for the rest of my life. If we only have one sermon left, may it be this one. 🙏

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